The Underbase Podcast

Aimee and Adam are back to help while away these cold winter months with a look a Nick Roche's SCARENTHOOD. Be warned, technical and verbal horrors abound (from your rusty hosts) while Nick provides the real chills. Also some bad language.... blame the ladywreck household for that, apparently :-) [Explicit]

Direct download: UBSpecialScarenthood01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Sins of the Wreckers issue 2

Issue #2 of Sins brings the Underbase crew together to talk about everyone’s favorite mean green fighting machines! And more animal punching carnage! Let it be a thing! [Explicit]

Direct download: UBR_SOTW_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Sins of the Wreckers issue 1

SINS of the Wreckers has been released to the world in all its glory! Did it shatter your pants? We couldn’t let it go without a good review, so the Underbase crew is back once again to wreck and rule! You won’t want to miss this bear kicking issue! [Explicit]

Direct download: UBR_SOTW_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Sins of the Wreckers Preview

The anticipation for this continued series has been high! Sins of the Wreckers Preview is the theme for this podcast and you don’t wanna miss it. (Sins of the Wreckers to be released this next week!) Gear up and get ready for a discussion about Wreckers! [Explicit]

Check out the PREVIEW here!

Direct download: UBR_SOTWpreview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:35am EDT

The Underbase Classics Episode 13: Peace

Not really a standard Underbase review but just a few team-members nattering for a few hours... folks somehow manage to cover a Wreckers-featured 1989 annual story, in the middle of it all. Along the way, we talk comics, families, politics, films and fallen celebrities.

Looking to start back on a few more reviews soon, hopefully with a bit more of our regular structure.

Direct download: Underbase_Classics_reviews_Peace.mp3
Category:classics -- posted at: 6:07pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Dreamwave Micromasters

It’s the bottom of the barrel! Dave and Chris review the infamous Micromasters series eleven years in the making! (recorded June 2015, apologies for the time lapse.) It could be the dreaded review they have been avoiding or the entertaining rant you’ve been craving all year? Wrapping up on a toy geek out! Enjoy! [Explicit]

Direct download: UBR_DWepisode06.mp3
Category:Dreamwave -- posted at: 11:47pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Windblade Combiner Wars #4

Join Team Windblade as another round of reviewing our Cybertronian combiners hits the comic stands. Its the full team Angel; Nicole, Heather, Aimee, and Mike! (Many thanks to Nicole for all the editing she's been doing on Windblade CW!)

Direct download: UBR_WindbladeCW04.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 5:38pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE 42

Proof that even the mightiest of forces cannot contend with the power of poor broadband customer service, we bring you the delayed MTMTE42 review from Matt, Adam and Chris.
As the team devotes more time to boogie analysis than an entire season of Come Dancing, Chris asks... really?... REALLY?... REEEAAAAAA.. oh, you get the idea!

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_MTMTE42.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 6:46pm EDT

The Underbase reviews Timelines Issue 10

Adam starts the show by explaining last weeks news and our announcement, in more detail, to clarify certain aspects and calm some of you wonderfull folk down.

Then jump to 10:15 and botcon! much as it ever is.

Technically, this is a botcon review... but since the guys are on the second half of a lengthy recording session (and not on a comic they particularly enjoy) the conversation takes it's inevitable spin off onto wrestling, DC comics, penguin species, Jedi and other, more serious, issues... some of this has been left to the end, so keep listening!
Explicit Language...what did you expect!

Direct download: BotCon_Timelines_issue_10_-_the_Underbase_Review.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:40pm EDT

The Underbase Public Service Announcement

After 5 years of podcasting, life has changed for the Underbase hosts and we’ve got an announcement for this week. Just a few links mentioned in the show:


Target 2006 link

Jeff Anderson Interview

Cuddle Interviews

Andy Schimdt Interview

Chris Metzen & Flint Dille Interview


Transmissions Podcast

Audio Knights Theatre


Please feel free to listen in on all of our interviews over the last 5 years. The early ones are here, and the more recent ones here. Thanks for tuning in!!

Direct download: UnderbasePSA_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35am EDT

The Underbase Classics Episode  012

The Underbase Classics team tackle the Marvel Comics American G1 issue#6: The Worse of Two Evils.

Join Joe "Teebee", Tricky, Paul and host Adam as they review and discuss the issue. Please note, the recording contains a brief element of "franglitalian" cannot be helped.

Direct download: The_Underbase_Classics_reviews_US6_The_Worse_of_Two_Evils.mp3
Category:classics -- posted at: 3:35pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews - Windblade Combiner Wars #3

Join team Windblade as they read and review issue #3 of the series, part 5 of Combiner Wars crossover event. Prowl and Prime spending quality time together. . . fun times?

Direct download: Team_Windblade_-_Issue_3_-_Final_with_reduced_levels.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 4:43pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews: Transformers GI Joe issue 7

Joe comes to the rescue of a clearly knackered (sorry folks) Adam to review an incredible issue of Transformers vs GI Joe.An issue generating a lot of praise from may quarters. It's a shame that the delays in delease, and the art style have squeezed this title to the sidelines of the IDW Transformers program. In addition to Adam's weary state, we have a few audio drops. Apologies, there are only a few.

At the end we note the current state of this title. Will we continue to enjoy this series for much longer?

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_TF_Joe_issue_7.mp3
Category:TF vs GI Joe -- posted at: 4:11pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Timelines issue 9

With the 2015 event almost apon us, Matt, Gruffy and Chris return to review the first of two Botcon releases BotCon timelines issue number 9.
Be warned folks, just because this issues promises a less drastic response than previous issues, it doesn't mean the guys will be any less off-topic and certainly no less explicit in their language!

If you are crazy enough to want to listen to the infamous issue#7, it can be found on our podcast homepage at

or via our new youtube page at

Direct download: BotCon_Timelines_issue_9_-_the_Underbase_Review.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:18pm EDT

The Underbase Discussion Series : Comic Basement #4 Gender Roundtable

Join Mikey and guests Isa, Sprite and Heather, as they discuss a wide range of aspects involving gender and the representation in both the Transformer, and wider, comic communities.

Insightfull, hilarious, revealing and often razor-sharp, this is not only one of the most, hopefully, enjoyable discussions we have published on the Underbase, but covers several topics in a frank and level-headed fashion that is sometimes missing across certain elements of our fandom.

As a sidenote, there are more killer quotes in this show than you can shake a stick at, but also a few audio issues we have hopefully minimised. Contains strong language.



03:50 Growing up with transformers

18:50 Great/favourite female characters, pre-IDW

29:50 What were the main issues with representation in the TF universe, pre-IDW

43:30 The shame of the Starscream fan club

47:00 The current positive swings in comic media representation and the power of social media

1:00:04 IDW comics, starting with Arcee

1:16:00 - Getaway, and his links to Mikey's nightmare club incident

1:19:30 - The current IDW attitude, the increasingly vocal fan support.

1:34:00 - The importance of fan-fiction and the creative exploits of the Transformer fanbase, including adult fiction.

1:40:30 Victorion and discussion on where the current plot will lead.

1:45:00 What non-IDW TF character would you like to be included in future IDW cannon.

Direct download: Underbase_Podcast_Gender_discussion.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 12:59pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE issue 41

MTMTE#41 folks, and a dark secret awaits our lovable crew. . . well those who bother to leave the ship, and aren't not seduced by the dancefloor, that is!

Join Matt, Chris and Adam as they read and review the issue, try and work out Hotspots moves, educate us on matters of Dread Pirates and Ace Rimmers. . . . and pitch a mean solo outing for an overlooked member of the crew (explicit)

You can listen to the original recording of MTMTE#1 via our podcast home at

Or via our new youtube page at

The original recordings of Death Of Optimus Prime, and RID#1, are also now available.

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_MTMTE41.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 4:39pm EDT

TF: Treasury special - The Underbase original review of RID#1

To celebrate this weeks release of IDW's treasury edition, containing MTMTE#1, RID#1 and The Death of Optimus Prime, we thought it time to re-release our own original reviews of these issues, from the depths of the old (MB2) vault.

The planet Cybertron, it's battered populace returning after the "great war" to wonder what on earth they were fighting for. John Barber guides us into the future of the Cybertronian race with Transformers: RID#1

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_RID_issue_1.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 5:39pm EDT

TF: Treasury special - The Underbase original review of MTMTE#1

To celebrate this weeks release of IDW's treasury edition, containing MTMTE#1, RID#1 and The Death of Optimus Prime, we thought it time to re-release our own original reviews of these issues, from the depths of the old (MB2) vault.

Aimee can barely contain her excitement here, as we start the first review of MTMTE! Join us as we journey wth a ramshackle crew, on a quest for the knights of Cybertron. With writer James Roberts onboard, things don't look good for them!

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_MTMTE_issue_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:25pm EDT

The Underbase reviews IDW Transformers Treasury Edition (kinda)

To tie in with this weeks IDW Transformers:Treasury Edition (collecting THE DEATH OF OPTIMUS PRIME, RID#1 and MTMTE#1 together in oversized print) we have broken our original reviews out from the (what was MB2) vaults!
Current readers who have joined since the start the current ongoing series will hardly believe just how excited/relieved we were for this new era of TF comics. . . . . it was Christmas in more ways than one!

This show will feature our DoOP review, while our original reviews for MTMTE#1 and RID#1, will go up this weekend. . . . . Just don't blame us for getting our predictions wrong. . . . . Transformer plots didn't used to suprise as much!

Direct download: The_Underbase_reviews_The_Death_of_Optimus_Prime.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews: Transformers #41

Transformers#41: an issue that delivers several revelations, and deserves discussion. Tricky, Andy and Adam readthrough and comment on the events occuring here, so grab a drink, get yourself comfy and prepare for some great discussion.

Please support TOY-FU at AA! They can be reached at

Listen to the Old Oilhouse channel at

Please send all Burger King Transformer head toys to

Our new youtube page -

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Transformers_41.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49pm EDT

The Underbase Classics Episode 011

The Underbase Classics team zips back (after a mere, few years) with Adam, Tricky, Joe and Paul reviewing Marvel's G1 story A NEW ORDER. US issue#5, UK issues#22 and 23.

As you would expect, the comedy does get a little fruity. . . . you've met Paul, haven't you?

As noted on the show, we are placing our new episodes up on youtube, so swing by and tell us if you want any old shows released there! -

Our previous classic shows are all here -

Direct download: The_Underbase_Classics_reviews_US5_A_New_Order.mp3
Category:classics -- posted at: 5:19pm EDT

The Underbase May News Update

Time for a news update, as Adam and Nicole go over a some recent developments from the Underbase itself, various conventions, creative projects from the shows colaborators and fans, and then run through IDW's solicitations up through to July.

00:00 to 06:00 Intro/politics/being old

06:00 to 09:07 Podcast interviews
Mairghread Scott -
Vangelus -

09:07 to 23:28   Conventions
Auto Assembly -
Phoenix Comicon - Aimee's panel with Livio -
Botcon - Comic character Rooks facebook page -
TF Con -
TF Expo - Exclusive cute stuff!exclusives/c1xso
Rollout rollcall -
London summer meet -

23:28 to 32:36 Friends projects
Jem podcast -
Brian Shearer's William the last -
JP Bove's website -
Old Oil House Audio project-

32:36 onwards - solicitations

Direct download: The_Underbase_Podcast_News_update.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews: Transformers Robots In Disguise issue zero

Did you pick up your copy of TRANSFORMERS: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE issue#0 as part of the free comicbook day celebrations?

If not, join Adam, Joe, Luffy and Temple for a readthrough and review of not just the ongoing series preview, but the other goodies the issue contained.

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Transformers_Robots_in_Disguise_issue_zero.mp3
Category:RID - TV Show -- posted at: 4:55pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE issue 40

Matt returns to the MTMTE team just as Ratchet leaves the lost light in what is certainly a memorable issue!
With regular guests Chris and Adam, they read/review the issue, fret over a particular subplot as well as discussing other comic news. . . . not least of which includes a certain Joker picture.
Please note some swearing from Chris. . . but can you blame him for being worried?

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_MTMTE_issue_40.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 5:38pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Windblade Combiner Wars #2

Back to address past mistakes, Team Angel clean house, give a challenge, and review the second issue of Windblade Combiner Wars! Don’t forget to #penaltyboxforHailstorm on twitter to @theunderbase @BeatlesDiva (Thanks to @cpshelton from the TransMissions podcast, and @Cassius335 for their participation.) And don’t forget to check out @GCRN! [PG rating]

Direct download: UBR_WindbladeCW02.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 7:22am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers issue 40

The Combiner Wars step up a gear with Transformers issue 40! Join Gruffy, Andrew and career substitute host Adam as they readthrough and discuss the issue. More chat than usual, but that's due to several script/format choices that make this one of the best issues from Barber yet!
We also talk politics and Gruffy tries to bait a bearded Canadian artist. A few audio issues, hopefully not too bad.
The review of the next part of Combiner Wars (Windblade issue 2) will be up this weekend.

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Transformers_issue_40.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 8:30pm EDT

The Underbase Discussion Series : Comic Basement #3

Hot topics in your Transformers? Mikey and Vangelus are on the discussion mission to chin wag about everything in the current continuity for a third installment of Mikey’s comic basement! [Explicit]

Direct download: UBdiscussion2015_1.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Monster Motors issue 2

Monster Motors: The Curse of MiniVan Helsing reaches it's conclusion. Join Adam and Nicole as they runthrough, review and have fun with iGor, Buggy, Wheelwolf and friends! Caution: issue contains an alt mode, theme tunes and a face you want to slap!

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Monster_Motors_issue_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews: Transformers GI Joe issue 6

Transformers GI Joe issue#6 has finally arrived! After last issues last-minute run-through, Adam again goes solo for a quick runthrough and review. His brain being what it is, it's not perfect, but hopefully folks appreciate a shorter format of review.

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Transformers_GI_Joe_issue_6_v2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:42pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE#39

DJD time folks, as MTMTE#39 brings us a whole issue dedicated to those lovable little marshmallows! Join Adam May, Chris and substitute-host Adam White as they discuss the issue, it's potential ramifications and prove that there are no crowd shots that Chris cannot conquer!

Direct download: The_Underbase_Podcast_reviews_MTMTE39.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 5:46pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews: Angry Birds Transformers issue#4

Join Adam and Nicole as they finish up one of the best, and certainly most unexpected, mini-series from IDW's Transformer team. Angry Birds Transformers#4.
Seriously, who'd have thought this would be so good?

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Angry_Birds_Transformers_issue4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Windblade Combiner Wars #1

Returning for the sequel, review Team "Angel" open Windblade and the return of the lady creators Scott and Stone! (This episode does not lack in plugging in other IDW titles!) Windblade is back and discussion commences! 

Direct download: UBR_WindbladeCW01.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 7:29pm EDT

The Underbase Podcast reviews: Transformers#39 - Combiner wars

As well as thoroughly reviewing Transformers#39,the opening salvo of COMBINER WARS, Dave, andy and Gruffy also pitch a podcast based on depressing brit sci-fi, bring up "comic vs carton", ponder Stan Bush and address the current response to the end of the Auto Assembly UK convention. NSFW.

Direct download: The_Underbase_reviews_RID39.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 10:27pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers #38

Join Dave, Andy and Gruffy as they look at the final TF issue before the Combiner Wars unfurl, and speak their mind on the different plots, characters and situations this latest arc has dealt with. (Note: NSFW)

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Transformers38.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 6:27pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Monster Motors

MONSTER MOTORS RETURNS! the Nick Roche-drawn series that many of us Underbase hosts have been waiting for has been finally released and there was no way we weren't going to review this! Join Adam, Tricky and Nicole (plus random Irish gatecrasher) as we watch trucks fight cars, and epic kung fu fails. Make sure you check this issue out, this weekend!

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_MONSTER_MOTORS.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:27am EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #38

MTMTE 38 is the conclusion of more than just an arc! But how does the creative team do, with numerous plots still seeking resolution? Join Matt, Adam and Chris as they tackle the issue. Also the guys natter about comics and figures. . . because why not!

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_MTMTE38.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 5:56pm EDT

The Underbase reviews: Drift: Empire of Stone issue 4

Adam, Luffy and Temple tackle Drift: Empire of Stone issue#4. With the series reaching it's conclusion, we let loose on what we thought of it.

Direct download: The_Underbase_Reviews_Drift_issue4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm EDT

The Underbase reviews Angry Birds vs Transformers issue #3

With more adventures behind the scenes, and out-takes I am not brave enough to add, at present) Adam and Nicole brave Piggy Island to catch up on the growing conflict between Birds, Pigs, eggs and a chilling new sub-species!

Direct download: The_Underbase_reviews_Transformers_Angry_Birds_issue3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm EDT

The Underbase reviews: Transformers Vs Gi Joe issue#5

After his computer killed the original group review, join Underbase host Ad8m as he tackles TF vs Gi Joe#5, by himself, in a whirl of jump frames and Barber/Scioli insanity. This one is only 30mins, let me know if you like this unplanned shorter format!

Joe's deviantart page:

Abi's deviantart page:

Abi's Paetron page:

Direct download: Transformers_vs_GiJoe_issue_5_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EDT


Join Luffy, Temple and host Adam as they swing through the third issue of Drift: Army of Stone. We also try to predict how this will all end. . . . most wishes involving Grit (hooray) and Hellbat (boo)

Direct download: The_Underbase_reviews_DRIFT_Issue3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:01pm EDT


Join Matt, Chris and Adam as they take MTMTE#37 to task and show it who's the boss! WARNING: the crew give their theories on where this is all going. . . . and with Chris onboard, ou know he may well have it figured out!!!!!

Direct download: The_Underbase_reviews_MTMTE_37.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews TF #37

Back to review and Team formally known as RID wrestle with opinions of wrestling before jumping straight into issue #37! [Explicit]

Direct download: TF37.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 6:58pm EDT

The Underbase Podcast reviews. . . . Transformers: Punishment

A longer discussion/review this week, focusing on TF: Punishment, the five part digital series now released as a collected edition. Joe and Paul discuss their views, while battling some technical issues.

Memorial page for Nemmy:

Direct download: TF_Punishment.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 4:41pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #36

McFeely returns to the team as they jump right into the late review of MTMTE #36 starting 2015 off with a bang. Find out what the MTMTE team thinks of time traveling! And before we wrap up some recommendations on what to check out for 2015 in the way of comics! [Explicit]

Direct download: MTMTE36.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 1:54am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Angry Birds Transformers #2

Adam and Nicole are finally alone together. . . . what better to do than review Angry Birds Transformers issue #2 eh? Warning: Contains randomness, asides and the at least one gaming addict!

Direct download: AB_TFs_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:22pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews TF #36

Discussion on Jurassic Park takes over the podcast momentarily before we review Transformers issue 36! Who takes over the comic after that? The humans or the Cybertronians? Also a fair bit of chatter about where we might be going with Combiner Wars. [Explicit]

Direct download: TF36.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 5:36am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Drift: Empire of Stone #2

Join Luffy, Temple, Charls and Adam as they go through the second, more conversational, issue of Drift. Huge thanks to the guys for giving their thoughts, and big props to Charles, for jetting over to Europe, just to be on the show. . . . or that's how we will play it!

Direct download: Drift_EoS_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:45pm EDT

The Underbase December 2014 News Show

Aimee and Adam dig into 3 months of Solicitations and talk everything else in-between for this weeks news show. Good things to come!

Priscilla’s DA Page

Kotteri DA Page

Flint Dille CBR interview

Best of 2014 Vote

Direct download: UB_News1214.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:52pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers Vs GI Joe #04

Join host Ad8m and special guest Jeremy, from the Transmissions podcast, as they jump into Transformers vs GI Joe issue#4!

Transmissions podcast

Jeremy on twitter

End of 2014 Voting + a CONTEST click for details!

Direct download: TFvsGIJ_04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #35

Never fear MTMTE is here to remind you “Everything is fine.” We may be a little late with this review but we still function as the functionist council has decreed. Join our reviewers Matt, Adam, and Dave as they discuss what is going on in this fine comic.

End of 2014 Voting! Enter to win a copy of TF Punishment, click any of the following links for more details! FHM | IDW fan forum | Our Facebook Page 

Links and reminders will be posted to our twitter account!

Direct download: MTMTE35.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 4:18pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Angry Birds Transformers #1

Join your world-weary host Adam as he guides two lucky guests through the first issue of ANGRY BIRDS VS TRANSFORMERS. Warning, toilet-based chat, as well as some serious discussion, are contained within. . . . . . 

Direct download: AB_TFs_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Drift: Empire of Stone #1

Join Underbase debutants Luffy and Temple as they, along with your aged doddering host Ad8m, take on DRIFT: EMPIRE OF STONE #1! Great job by the new guys, hope you all enjoy!

And check out the previous Drift miniseries reviews done back in 2010!

Direct download: Drift_EoS_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews TF #35

Join the review team of the formally known as RID comic! Which character makes this issue? A table flipper, a certain bad human, or an insane alien? All this in issue #35! [Explicit]

Direct download: TF35.mp3
Category:Transformers (was RID) -- posted at: 12:33pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Primacy #04

So the regular team of Joe, Paul and Adam return for the finale of PRIMACY. Thanks to everyone for listening to us, and especially for Big C for his wonderfull intro. . . . . not sure who the artist guy is, but he has nice eyes.

Direct download: Primacy04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:58pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #34

Welcome new regular reviewer Adam May (@Inhumanoids) to team MTMTE! Teased as being the issue where Autobots must make an impossible choice: kill or cure, find out what the outcome is and the consequences! 

Direct download: MTMTE34.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 7:59pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Primacy #03

Load up your Yorkshire translators, folks, as Host Adam is joined by regular guest Joe Teanby and special guest Paul ("Pred" to you old MB2 members) to review Primacy issue #3!!

Wiki entry for the Rhubard Triangle

Ken Christiansen's Website

Direct download: Primacy03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #34

What does the Covenant of Primus have to do with the IDW Universe? Find out in this weeks review of RID issue 34, (soon to be shortened to just "Transformers") as Dave, Gruffy and Turnbull discuss! Theories and explanations ahoy! Plus #browncrayon [Explicit]

Direct download: RID34.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 8:13pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers Vs GI Joe #03

Listen to Adam and Joe as they get all kinds of silly about the latest offering from Tom and John!


TF Wiki Page for this issue

Chris McFeely Patreon Page

Untold Marvels: Collected PDF Version

Joe's Deviantart Page

Franco's Deviantart Page

Direct download: TFvsGIJ_03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm EDT

The Underbase October 2014 News Show

We talk Combiner Wars, Sales, upcoming trades and books to be on the look out for, conventions and reported artists attending, and the Solicitations for both November and December! Please check out the show notes with all links at:

Direct download: UB_News1014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #33

Thanks for your patience as Dave, Gruffy and Turnbull finally sit down to chat about RID 33 and make horse jokes instead. Saddle up to this excellent review of a Cybertron centric issue that brings back a favorite character we haven’t heard from in a year. [Explicit]

Direct download: RID33.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 7:02pm EDT

The Underbase reviews MTMTE #33

Matt’s back to lead the show and things turn very strange and stalk like, but never fear, its all entertaining chatter… mostly. (The legal papers have been served and therapy prescribed.) Issue 33 of MTMTE… it will blow your mind… our reviewers are here to give you their take on this second of a two part piece, Slaughterhouse! [Explicit]

Direct download: MTMTE33.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 5:56pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Primacy #02

After grabbing a preview with hours to spare, Adam, Paul and Joe take on Primacy issue#2 in a rougher style than normal. . . . . and no, we don't know why Adam sounds like his dentures are falling out, either!

Direct download: Primacy02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:28pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers Vs GI Joe #02

Join Abbi, Rob and Adam as their planned serious discussion about TF vs GIJoe#2  gets waylaid with the sheer boundless fun of badly-timed update calls, motor-cross tricks, awkward polar fighters and the ultimate bling.

Direct download: TFvsGIJ_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm EDT

The Underbase Season Two Discussion

Mikey's comic basement discussion series! He invites internet personality Vangelus to chatter and discuss in depth about MTMTE and RID Season Two! They talk characters and perspectives on what they are seeing and what they'd like to see in the future! Tune in for this two hour discussion while we have a comic break this week! [Explicit]

Direct download: UB_Season2Discussion.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 7:45pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #32

Teased to be one that will make us cry, Team MTMTE reviews issue 32! Welcome to the House of Horrors! Tune in to catch this stunning issue and contemplate its consequences! Find out if Matt was right… [Explicit]

Direct download: MTMTE32.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 7:58pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Primacy #01

With Transformers Primacy kicking off, it makes sense that the Underbase unites the team from Autocracy and Monstrosity: Adam, Joe and Paul. Listen as we take a more serious, discussion-based look at this first issue. . . . yet Adam still manages to potentially offend the artist, and cause Paul breathing issues.

Direct download: Primacy01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #32

Three reviewers get into the depths of RID issue 32 and all it’s sneaky reveals. Find out what Thundercracker finds and hear the discussion on which human may be returning to the comics soon? All this and more in this weeks issue and review of Robots In Disguise! [Explicit]

Direct download: RID32.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 5:57pm EDT

The Underbase Classics Episode 010

A lost recording from last year's UNDERBASE CLASSICS, this unaired attempt to record a TRANSFORMERS:CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE book is 80mins of unashamed fun and laughter. Even if this is too long for your weekly commute, keep a hold of this for a day when you need a lift. Massive thanks to Gruffy, Joe and Paul for this.

The perils of Brandy delivering, the battle of Joe's vocal range and Paul trying not to die.

Direct download: UBC010.mp3
Category:classics -- posted at: 4:16pm EDT

The Underbase August 2014 News Show

Tune into our pre Auto Assembly news podcast with Aimee and Adam! We cover SDCC news, October solicitations, and a short review of Monster Motors available now! Don't miss out on this one shot!

Direct download: UB_News0814.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #31

Join Dave, Gruffy, and new comer Geoff as we review Robots In Disguise issue 31! Find out whats up with Jazz… and most importantly, PROWL!

Direct download: RID31.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 7:05pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers Vs GI Joe #01

Join Adam, Rob, and Chris as they chatter about the beginning of what Transformers and GI Joe would have been like if Jack Kirby had done them back in the day, brought to you by Tom Scioli and John Barber! It's issue number one of the series!

Direct download: TFvsGIJ_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:36pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Windblade #4

It’s the final issue of Windblade and all the answers are here among the teases of what’s to come! GCRN’s The Pull Bag crossovers this final review with Team Angel! Thanks for listening and continue to follow Windblade this fall in Robots In Disguise! And in Summer 2015 she will return!

Direct download: Windblade4.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 7:40pm EDT

The Underbase July 2014 News Show

Aimee and Adam are featuring the NEWS this weekend! All the stuff from Botcon 2014, the September Solicitations, and all the little tidbits! September Solicits are at the end of the podcast to keep those avoiding spoilers from being spoiled! Enjoy! For Show Notes check out

Direct download: UB_News0714.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:42pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #31

It's POST Botcon and Age of Extinction… don't worry we couldn't avoid talking about the delicious memories and destruction in the movie! And then MTMTE 31 is reviewed! [@29 mins in] It’s the Lost Light origins mystery show where they all play “patty cake!” See what Matt, Andy, and Chris have to say about it all! [Explicit]

Direct download: MTMTE31.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 7:02pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Windblade #3

This review of Windblade #3 has 100% more Cyclonus in it… and he’s not even in this issue! Join Aimee, Heather, Nicole and Mike as they review this game changer issue! With one more issue in the series left to go, Windblade expectations have all been blown! Find out what our reviewers thought! (Kudos for Mike for mass editing!) [Explicit]

Direct download: Windblade3.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 5:52pm EDT

The Underbase - TransMissions Botcon Interview

The Underbase and TranMissions Podcasts mash up to interview John Barber, Mairghread Scott, and James Roberts on 30 years of Transformers Storytelling before Botcon 2014 kicks off! 


Don't forget to check out the TransMissions Podcast. Thanks for tuning in!

Direct download: Botcon2014interview.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 3:45pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #30

This issue of MTMTE 30 features Bullet Bike, Guardians of the Galaxy, Space Balls, and a whistling transformer! It's not just explanations its entertainment with a slew of background characters to boot. Adam May joins the Matt and Andy team this week while McFeely is traveling abroad. 

Direct download: MTMTE30.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 4:34am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #30

Team RID brings on guest Chris McFeely to review issue 30! Which character brings more pain? Prowl, Galvatron, or SkyLynx? Check out our review find out who takes the issue! And all the theories that fly in the end… [Explicit]

Direct download: RID30.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 5:46am EDT

The Underbase June 2014 News Show

Dave and Aimee sit down to talk all the news bits that we've been ignoring for the last few months! For all the show notes and links about the news please go to

Direct download: UB_News0614.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Dreamwave Generation One Ongoing part 1

It's the series that was never completed, Volume 3 of Dreamwave's Generation One series. Dave and Chris sit down and chatter about the first 5 issues. Jetfire, Sunstorm and Starscream and Bumblebee, oh my! It's the ins and outs that started it all, before it all came to a crashing halt! (This collection was never printed in trade, so you'll need to pull out your single issues, click here for the entry.) [Explicit]

Direct download: DWepisode05.mp3
Category:Dreamwave -- posted at: 3:12am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #29

Dave leads the review of Robots In Disguise #29! Sadly this time Buster's favorite reviewer, Suzy does not join the team. Tune in find out what happens on Earth, what the Decepticons do, and the Autobots… and maybe a few shady characters in between! (WARNING: Spoilers of MTMTE's last issue within.) [Explicit]

Direct download: RID29.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 6:15pm EDT

The Underbase Windblade Interview

It's the Windblade interview we've been waiting to bring you! Issue #2 is out this last week and we sit down with both Mairghread and Sarah to talk about the creation of Windblade and how the series has gone so far. (WARNING: Spoilers, if you haven't read the first two issues you may want to hold off on this interview before tuning in.) And we may have some teasers on whats to come!

Direct download: Windbladeinterview.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 6:57pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Windblade #2


Team Angel brings the Windblade review #2 to the Underbase! Once again TFG1Mike joins us from GCRN's The Pull Bag and we try our best to de-rail this review with tangents and geek references, among other bits of chatter. And lets not forget the amount of art and commission pieces we hope to see one day after this review. Or the comments on Metroplex's bowels, or the 4 minute review of Beast Machines. So many tangents, so many…[Explicit]


We are also on Stitcher now!


Direct download: Windblade2.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 11:06pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE #29

It’s the middle of the 3 part arc of MTMTE Season two opener! Switches and changes and mysteries OH MY! Matt, Chris and Andy react to this months issue which lives up to its name, MORE than meets the eye! When will this madness end? [Explicit]

Direct download: MTMTE29.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 12:53am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Transformers Vs GI Joe FCBD issue

Last weekend we got the first issue of Transformers verses GI Joe by Tom Scioli and John Barber! This weeks show is a review of that free comic! Join Adam, Matt, Rob and James as they give us their insight to this years FCBD offering and the kick off of the ongoing releasing next month! [Explicit]

Direct download: TFvsGIJ_FCBDreview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42pm EDT

The Underbase reviews MTMTE #28

The highly anticipated return of MTMTE! And another reviewer down, we have guest @inhumanoids to join Matt and Chris McFeely as they review MTMTE 28, the start of Season Two! We also celebrate our 200th week of podcasting this week! Making the episode count at 260! Good times! [Clean]

Direct download: MTMTE28.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 7:25pm EDT

The Underbase Interview of Season Two

We welcome back the writer who writes More Than Meets The Eye, James Roberts to chat about Season One, Dark Cybertron, and what we all want to hear about . . . Season Two! 


We are now on Stitcher!

Direct download: S2_MTMTE_interview.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:33pm EDT

The Underbase Review Robots In Disguise #28

RID is back and we have our Beast Hunters Team to review issue 28! But throw in the good ship Continuity, Josh Boyfriend, homemade brew, Buster, and moments of weirdness. Also the podcast is podcast bombed by Suzy. It's a cracking issue! [Explicit]

Direct download: RID28.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 5:04am EDT

The Underbase Talks Windblade 1

Windblade made its debut this week and what better topic to have as a discussion than more Windblade chatter for the weekend show!? Lets review some points, ALL NEW points mind, from two Underbase regulars who just couldn't resist a chance to talk about this new comic! [Explicit]

Direct download: Windblade1talk.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 6:25am EDT

The Underbase Review Windblade 1

The wait is finally over, Windblade kicks off the beginning of our return from Dark Cybertron! (Besides having no comic for two weeks!) The Underbase presents a first podcast crossover in this first review of the long awaited series! It may just be the time of the night, the fact that we start art snobbing, or the comic itself… but we have a rolling good time! All while reviewing Windblade. But is it a buy or a pass? [clean]


Check out the Geekcast Radio Network The Pull Bag or subscribe to The Pull Bag via iTunes or RSS feed.

Direct download: Windblade1.mp3
Category:Windblade -- posted at: 6:16pm EDT

The Underbase Talks Retrospective Season One

Mikey and Chris sit down to have a retrospective talk on Season One of Ongoing MTMTE and RID. They talk their opinions, what stood out, strengths and weaknesses… and finally realize they bit off more than they could chew and may need to sit down to chatter some more at a later date! Until then, listen in and have a walk into their brains for an hour and a half! [Explicit]

Direct download: UB_retrospective2014.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 5:36pm EDT

The Underbase Interviews Sarah Stone

Without an issue to review this week, we brought in a special guest who will be debuting in Transformers comics in another week! Sarah Stone, artist of Windblade, joins the Underbase for a chatter on her art and beginnings! Don't forget to get to your local comic shop next week and pick up the first issue of Windblade! []

Direct download: SStone_interview.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:19pm EDT

The Underbase Talks Season 2

WARNING! The following unplanned, late night, discussion contains so many errors, it's a wonder we got our names right. . . . . but sometimes you just got to have a natter. . . . and Dave hasn't chatted to one podcaster in a while. . . .

Direct download: UB_season2talk.mp3
Category:discussion -- posted at: 5:34am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Dark Cybertron Chapter 12, round 2

It's round two of the Dark Cybertron wrap-up reviews! Team #1 gives their review followed by marks and their overall enjoyment of the whole event. And of course in regular discussion fashion expectations of what's to come in both the Ongoing and Windblade. We cover all bases this week. (Movie chatter in the outtakes, Winter Soldier teases, very cryptic talk as Matt hasn't seen it yet.) [Explicit]


Special thanks to @Timey2Wimey for the Shockwave voiceover contribution.

Direct download: UB_DC12.5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04am EDT

The Underbase reviews Dark Cybertron Chapter 12

It is the finale of Dark Cybertron and the A Team reviews the final chapter of the last 6 months! Does this event trump all events? Find out what Dave, Nicole and Aimee have to say about the series as a whole. [Explicit]

Direct download: UB_DC12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:46pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #27

Here it is, Team RID is giving their last review of Dark Cybertron #11! And then on to the finale! (At which point we switch books!) How does Matt, Andy and Chris take the death of a hero? Well, tune in and find out! [Explicit]

Direct download: RID27.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 6:21pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews MTMTE 27

Its the last MTMTE review with Dave, Aimee, and Nicole! Dark Cybertron is quickly coming to a close and is it possible that we will learn of Shockwave's true intentions or will we be chilling at Swerve's waiting for the karaoke to start up? All this and more on this weeks podcast! [Explicit]

Direct download: MTMTE27.mp3
Category:MTMTE -- posted at: 12:40am EDT

The Underbase Reviews Dreamwave The Dark Ages

He's bad news and he's on fire… it's our first introduction into "the Fallen" from Dreamwave's The War Within, The Dark Ages! Dave and Chris review and discuss the story, the Fallen, his entrance into the movies, and everything else in-between! [Explicit]

Direct download: DWepisode04.mp3
Category:Dreamwave -- posted at: 10:36pm EDT

The Underbase Best of 2013 Show

This is the show a year and 2 months in the making! The Underbase presents our BEST of 2013! It is the podcast that pits the podcaster vote against the listener vote to find out just how much we are the same and how much we differ! Wrapping up 2013 lets walk down memory lane, with some new perspectives to boot! [Explicit]

Direct download: Bestof2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EDT

The Underbase Reviews Robots In Disguise #26

It all kicks off between Titans and Primes in this reviewed issue of RID 26, Dark Cybertron chapter 9. Is it an ending or a beginning? Matt, Chris, and Andy give their opinions of what's going on and what may be!

Direct download: RID26.mp3
Category:RID -- posted at: 5:13am EDT